2007年11月29日 星期四

[CSI: LV] 807


看 807 的時候我有哭,最後 Sara 還是離開了 Les Vegas。

編劇對 Sara 很好,從剛開始就一直鋪陳她要離開的情緒,正義感很強的 Sara 對案件的無力感與責任感也比一般人大,就算她有公權力,但是她的熱誠還是一點一滴的流失,尤其在與天才兒童 Hannah 的較勁上,挫折感很深很深。


希望現實人生裡的 Jorja 休息後可以再回到 CSI 來。

CSI - Goodbye and Good Luck - Last scene


這封信是飾演 Sara 的 JorjaFox 親筆寫的喔,給廣大的影迷,當然也給葛瑞森。


You know I love you. I feel I've loved you forever.

Lately, I haven't been feeling very well. Truth be told, I'm tired.

Out in the dessert under that car that night,

I realized something and I haven't been able to shake it.

Since my father died, I've spent almost my entire life with ghosts.

We've been like close friends and out there in the dessert

it occured to me that it was time for me to bury them.

I can't do that here. I'm so sorry.

No matter how hard I try to fight it off,

I'm left with the feeling that I have to go.

I have no idea where I'm going, but I know I have to do this.

If I don't, I'm afraid I'll self destruct

and worse, you'll be there to see it happen.

Be safe.

Know that I tried very hard to stay.

Know that you were my one and only.

I'll miss you with every beat of my heart.

Our life together was the only home I've ever had.

I wouldn't trade it for anything.

1 則留言 :

jiayann 提到...

這集也是我邊看邊流淚的一集。<br />
台灣AXN快演到了(大哭跑走)<br />
8季後半我只愛812 Grissom&#39;s Divine Comedy與815 The Theory of Everything<br />
其他的都...還好.(嘆)<br />
然後Warrick要離開,Grissom(WP)下季又只演出大約一半(要去演舞台劇)。<br />

版主回覆:(06/09/2008 02:06:48 PM)

